My Korppi still isn't here. Now I realize it hasn't actually been that long since I ordered - especially if you only count the actual workdays. AND it is now at least on it's way. I'm just a horribly impatient person really and I can't wait until it arrives and I can cast on my shawl with it.
My cardigan is almost finished now. Less than half a sleeve left to go. However I'm afraid I'll be running out of yarn before I'm through with it. I'll have to email Birgit Freyer and ask her if I can get a little more... My guess is that I'll be needing less than half a skein to finish the project. But I suppose this means I won't be able to finish it by this weekend and wear the damned thing. I tried it on after finishing the first sleeve last weekend and I absolutely fell in love with it then. I finally want to wear it!!! *sighs*I started a new project yesterday, although I hadn't wanted to start a new project before I start working on my shawl. However I had ordered some - 12 skeins - Regia 4-ply sock yarn at Mariannes Opalwolle. It was a 12 skein package and she chose the colors for me which she did really well, the colors go well together. There are some colors in there I would like never have bought - like pink and beige - but this way I get more variation since I mostly go for blues, black, purples, reds and greys and no pastel colors whatsoever.
I have been itching to do some colorwork with these yarns since I opened the package last week. I hadn't really done colorwork before. I only once tried doing striped legwarmers without any pattern at all. I ended up frogging that because it looked hideous, would never have fit and was badly knit, really. That was some time early last year when I hadn't really done that much knitting yet. This time I used a pattern and my clever little knitting reference explained to em how I had to hold the yarns - and wow... I am surprised how EASY that actually is and how quickly it goes! It's a whole damn lot of fun and pattern is great. I'm knitting the Endpaper Mitts by Eunny Jang. In case I haven't made myself clear enough yet: I absolutely and utterly LOVE how this pattern is turning out! I will surely be knitting this again!Now, I promised a picture of the Teddy Bear I made for my friend's daughter. So here it is. I found the pattern on this site when it was still up for free. It seems like one has to buy it now - but if I wouldn't already have it I believe I would do it. It was very much worth it. This is definately something I'm going to knit again should I one day find myself to be pregnant. ;) 

Osiris, my little white devil, wasn't entirely sure what to think of that monstrosity but at least he didn't run scared right away... He gets very easily scared of all kind of things, especially things he knows very well and needn't be afraid of since they are inaminate and all (like socks like on the floor for example) and runs at the first sight of strangers (even people who've come to visit us weekly for years are still considered strangers by him ;) ). Nephtys, our cat, thinks he's absolutely nuts but often gets a kick out of scaring him by jumping at him all of a sudden. ;) But I digress. What I was actually trying to get at is that he was at least brave enough to hit the teddy bear. Once. :D
1 comment:
Congratulations for starting your new blog! It looks like you are doing beautiful knitting! The picture of your lace cardigan is very intriguing - I can't wait to see what it looks like.
You'll beat me if you finish your Irtfa'a by the end of February :-)
I am taking it very slowly - 1 or 2 rows a day (which still takes 1/2-1 hour)It is a gorgeous shawl pattern!
Hope your Korppi arrives soon!
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