After an especially nerve wrecking, stressful and long day at work I came home in the evening (it was 8 pm, I had left the house a few minutes after 6 am) and did not just find my husband busily preparing dinner - wonderful that I didn't have to do it! :) - but I also found the second package from my wool fairy (plus a package from Mariannes Opalwolle, the contents of which I can't show you yet since parts of it will go to my wool princess). A nice ending for a through and through miserable day. :)
My Wool fairy had once again a great Hand for choosing the contents and made me very happy. :) First off, there was a lovely letter, three pages long - and to the horror of my husband on pink paper with Diddl mice on it. Those are two things, he really hates. Which made me run after him with the paper in hand (trying to annoy him of course), which in turn made him try very hard to fend me off so he wouldn't touch the paper since otherwise he might catch something. He tends to say: "Pink makes zits". :D And I use every chance I can get to annoy him. ;)
Next I found, once I had freed it of the wrapping paper, a cute little mini sock key charm (it's already on my key chain now :) ) and After Eight Sticks (yummy). At this point the cats started to get curious. First Nephtys jumped on the table to see what kind of interesting thing I had there and if she could live with them in her apartment.
Once she had allowed me to keep the things and the tomcat (Osiris) noticed that the table was safe and nothing would jump him there, he came up as well. First he posed a little and then he s
Zum Vorschein kam dann noch eine Packung entspannender Kräutertee, der nicht nur wunderbar zu dem Moment paßte (mit dem Kater braucht man starke Nerven), sondern gleich auch noch ausprobiert wird. :) Dann kam mein Mann mit dem Abendessen des Katers in den Raum, was dazu führte das der Schlüsselanhänger wieder sicher war und ich in Ruhe weiter auspacken konnte.
Ich bekam des weiteren ein Knäul super schöne Online Sockenwolle; ich hatte bisher noch keine Onlinewolle und die ist wirklich total schön und weich und ich weiß auch schon was ich damit machen kann. ;) Und zum Schluß dann noch einen suuuuuuuuper tollen keltischen "birth charm" (Geburtstagsglücksbringer), der sich in der Packung leider ganz schlecht fotografieren läßt. Da muß ich morgen abend nochmal meinen Mann fragen, ob er ein Bild von dem Anhänger an meinem Hals macht. Das witzige an diesem Anhänger ist: Da ist ein Wolf oder Wolf-ähnliches Tier drauf. Das ist zufällig der Familienname meines Mannes. ;)
I also got a really beautiful skein of Online sock yarn. I haven't had Online yarn yet and this one is really pretty and soft and I already know what I want to knit with it. ;) And the last thing I found was a "totally awesome" ;) celtic birth charm - unfortunately it resisted my attempts to make decent pictures of it. I'll ask my husband tomorrow to help me make pictures of it around my neck. The funny thing about this charm: There is a wolf or wolf like animal depicted on it. Coincidently that's the family name of my husband. ;)
Liebe, liebe Wollfee: Gaaaaaanz vielen lieben Dank für dieses tolle Paket. Ich habe mich wirklich sehr darüber gefreut. :) *knuddel* In den nächsten Tagen wirst du von mir auch noch eine Email erhalten.
Dearest wool fairy: A thousand times thank you for this wonderful package. It really made my day. :) *hugs* And some time in the next few days I'll be sending you an email.
Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen auch noch einen weiteren Blogeintrag schreiben, um zur Abwechslung auch mal wieder was über mein Strickzeug zu schreiben. :)
In the next few days I'll be writing another blog entry to tell you all about recent knitting endeavours for a change. :)
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